
Department Stores Are Afraid of Halloween, the TTC Has a Beautiful New Campaign, and More

Breaking news, trending stories, industry intel.

This is The S/ List.

1. With Halloween around the corner and no spooky displays to be seen, department stores are missing a huge opportunity.

“…At a time when many traditional retailers and department stores are suffering from depressed spending and declining footfall — despite a relatively robust American economy — the enthusiasm and spending power surrounding Halloween offers an opportunity to connect with customers, get them into stores and establish an ongoing relationship.”

2. For the socially conscious, Refinery29 rounded up 30 feminist-approved Halloween costumes.

“Halloween: It’s the best of times and the worst of times, especially if you’re a socially conscious feminist.”

3. The National Ballet of Canada teamed up with the TTC to make your commute a little more beautiful.

“We Move You brings The National Ballet of Canada and TTC together for the first time. A joint creative campaign, We Move You provides TTC riders with enhanced beauty and art during their daily commutes with a series of stunning images and video featuring National Ballet dancers at various TTC locations across the city.”