
Beiber Exits Instagram, Beckham Enters Beauty, and More

Breaking news, trending stories, industry intel:
This is the S/ List.

1. CVS is serving up hot cups of cold-and-flu relief, and it’s brilliant.

“Enter the new cold-and-flu medicine from CVS; it’s packaged into Keurig K-Cups. They work just like your regular single-serve cups, so just brew them in your Keurig machine.”

2. Justin Beiber is in hot relationship-related water and has deleted his Instagram.

“Increasingly sensitive international pop star Justin Bieber deleted his Instagram account sometime late last night or early this morning, after a days-long social-media melee with his ex-girlfriend and fellow international pop star Selena Gomez. What will the Beliebers do now?”

3. Eternal cool girl Victoria Beckham is launching a makeup line in partnership with Estée Lauder.

“Model, pop star, celebrity wife, mother, designer . . . Victoria Beckham excels at them all. Her latest move? A capsule makeup collection honed by her years in the spotlight. (Spoiler alert: It’s also great.)”