To conclude our International Women’s Day celebration, we are highlighting another group of phenomenal women. These inspiring individuals use their power and platforms to empower and influence others while upholding equality for all. Discover what this particular day means to them below.
Nate Matthew, Makeup Artist

“IWD boasts one of the most beautifully all-encompassing principles: solidarity grows from intersectionality. Knowing that if just one woman excels, all women win.”
Amanda and Laura Santino, Co-Founders, PERMISSION

“Finding beauty in the differences of each women is something worthy of celebration every single day. As women, we face judgement for our bodies, our voices, and our ambition. While we’ve seen championing moments this year, a call-to-action remains for us to continue to represent and support those who are marginalized. International Women’s Day reminds us to give ourselves permission to use our voices to pave the way for those to come, while honouring those who have come before us. In whatever form a women exists, we deserve to feel powerful, strong and equipped to take on anything.”
Diala Canelo, Chef and Author

“On this day I reflect on the groundbreaking work that women all around the world have done. From the Mirabal sisters who led a revolution that eventually led to the end of Trujillo’s dictatorship in the Dominican Republic, the activism of Angela Davis, the inspiring words of Toni Morrison, Frida Kahlo’s heartfelt art, to the fight for trans rights started by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson.
“I think of my mother, who instilled in me the power that lies in education and financial independence. And I think of the women around me that empower and inspire me daily. Today, as the mother of a 22 and 17-year-old daughter, it’s very important to me to pass on to them the importance of sisterhood, of seeing our value and helping whoever is in need. Because it’s my belief that we only grow when we support the women around us.”