
Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals the Secrets to Mastering a Holistic Lifestyle

Gwyneth Paltrow’s goop, which was humbly conceived as a weekly newsletter in 2008, has metamorphosed into a leading voice in the alternative health and wellness movement, mobilizing throngs of individuals to adopt a lifestyle attuned to nature’s remedial properties. Encompassing e-commerce, editorial, a podcast, a skincare and fashion line, as well as a wellness summit titled In Goop Health (IGH), goop has gradually expanded into more exciting and immersive terrain. During this year’s edition of IGH, the Oscar winner and entrepreneur participated in an AMA questionnaire that revealed secrets behind living a more holistic lifestyle that places an emphasis on self-care—here are some noteworthy highlights.

Carving Your Own Path to Wellness

“Being honest with yourself is the first and most important way to access what is right for you and where you might be deficient. Many of us go through life trying not to disrupt the path and not stating our needs, which lead to situations where we physically and mentally don’t feel well. A long, hard, and honest conversation with yourself where you deepen that connection and ask for what you want is the best way to identify issues and the causes. Getting to the bare bones of what’s going on with you and your experience with yourself is the first step in any fulfilling wellness journey.”

Beauty Ideals and the Emphasis on Physical Appearance

“Beauty ideals are systemic and continue to compound and worsen by social media and how our image is constantly reflected to us. As much as we cultivate our inner beauty, it’s still something we’re way too focused on and that of other people as well.”

Finding Calm After a Stressful Day

“It’s hard and it’s been difficult for me to get into my parasympathetic nervous system lately. To help with this, I’ve been doing regular meditations at night, with a transcendental meditation and 3-5 minutes of breathing exercises in the morning. Aura and Insight Timer are my go-to’s, but I would recommend anything that feels like it immediately puts you back in your body.”

Managing Stress and Anxiety

“Meditation, exercise, walking, laughing, sex—things that get you out of your head and back into your body.”

Acceptance of Ageing and Lifestyle Changes

“This is a hard transition for women and one we don’t talk about enough. The shift that happens in going from being sexually desired by the world in your childbearing years to less so afterwards is a reckoning that needs to be considered when we think about how we feel about ageing, and the deeper acceptance there. We need to talk more about the next chapter for women and post-menopause. In terms of slowing down the process of ageing, eating high-quality nutrient foods, getting good sleep, not too much alcohol and taking care of your skin are my top priorities.”

Maintaining a Weekly Routine

“At least 8 hours of sleep every night, 20 minutes of transcendental meditation in the morning, exercise including walking and breathing, and eating lots of vegetables, fruits, fish, and small quantities of good quality meat.”

Photography by Anjelica Rivera.