
Nordstrom Caves to Moschino Protests, You Might Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day, and More

Breaking news, trending stories, industry intel.

This is The S/ List.

1. Abercrombie & Fitch continues their rebranding efforts with a blank Instagram account and a revamped website.

“With the tagline ‘This Is Abercrombie & Fitch,’ the brand is making it clearer than ever that it isn’t the brand you remember from your high school days.”

2. Nordstrom has removed Moschino’s drug-themed collection from their stores in the wake of protests.

“The line includes clothes and handbags that look like prescription pill bottles or are covered in the likeness of pills. The items are part of a Capsule line the Italian fashion brand introduced during New York’s 2016 Fashion Week They feature a $950 prescription pill bottle shoulder bag and a $795 print wool knit sweater.”

3. Food waste may soon find itself as an ingredient in beauty products.

“Phytonext is all about looking at food waste and finding innovative ways to extend its life and get more use out of it. The company’s tech facility works to extract all natural, highly valuable micro-nutrients from plant waste, which can then be formulated to create any product.”

4. A new study suggests you should only be drinking water “when you’re thirsty.”

“Popular notion holds that eight glasses of water is the optimal amount to drink each day, but many people find this hard to achieve. Now, a new study may shed light on why, after identifying a swallowing mechanism that stops us from consuming too much liquid when we are not thirsty.”

5. Coquettea cult-favourite advice column, has only told less than ten people who she really is.

“If you bottled up Hunter S. Thompson, your beloved grandma and The Real Housewives, you’d have Coquette (formerly Coketalk), a Los Angeles party girl turned mysterious advice columnist, who’s known for her sassy, biting straight talk about nice guys, bitchy best friends, cheaters, abusers, long-lost lovers and all the sex questions you’re too embarrassed to ask your best friend…or anyone.”